Saskatoon Light Infantry

Saskatoon Light Infantry

World War II Diaries - Search name index

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Please note: Access to the diaries, which includes personal information, is subject to the provisions of federal privacy legislation. Because of this, diary categories (item headings) that would, in connection with a person's name, reveal personal information are not searchable through the name index. In addition, copies of diaries provided to researchers will be vetted as needed, in order to comply with privacy legislation.

All references are to the war diaries in the Saskatoon Light Infantry fonds (University of Saskatchewan Archives, MG 225). Please note that this is a name index only and not necessarily a complete transcription of each order. When requesting further information about a diary entry, please provide all the information about the entry as detailed below.

6763 matches found, displaying matches 6626 to 6650. Click on a name to generate a search for that exact entry.
next page previous page Jump to: 1 26 51 76 ... 6526 6551 6576 6601 6626 6651 6676 6701 6726 6751
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6626 Wisser, W.H.
6627 Witochynski, N.
6628 Witoshynski, N.
6629 Wityshyn, P.
6630 Wityshyn, W.
6631 Woffendale, J.R.
6632 Woledge, J.
6633 Wolfe, ?
6634 Wolfe, E.G.
6635 Wolfe, G.J.
6636 Wolfe, P.
6637 Wolfe, R.D.
6638 Wollaston, G.W.
6639 Wollaston, Sir Gerald
6640 Woloschuk, F
6641 Woloschuk, F.
6642 Woloschuk, F.V.
6643 Woloschuk, T.
6644 Woloshyn, N.
6645 Woloshyn, W.
6646 Wolseley, J.C.
6647 Wondga, J.
6648 Wong, F.W.
6649 Wood, A.C.
6650 Wood, A.J.

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