1.   Title: "Chief Andrew Swimmer and Dr. P. W. Head."
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Morton, Jessie M
Number of images: 1
2.   Title: "Dr. Philip W. Head and Archdeacon Hives."
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Morton, Jessie M
Number of images: 1
3.   Title: Governor-General Viscount Alexander becoming an Honorary Blood Chief
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: T.R. Melville-Ness Photograph Collection
4.   Title: "Miss J. M. Morton, Edwin Wuttunee, Sam Swimmer, Dr. P. W. Head, Archdeacon H. E. Hives."
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Morton, Jessie M
Number of images: 1
5.   Title: "Miss J. M. Morton, Edwin Wuttunee, Sam Swimmer, Dr. P. W. Head, Archdeacon H. E. Hives."
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Morton, Jessie M
Number of images: 1
6.   Title: "Sam Swimmer and Dr. P. W. Head."
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Morton, Jessie M
Number of images: 1
7.   Title: "Three young Native men dance at North Battleford Indian Hospital."
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Morton, Jessie M
Number of images: 1
8.   Title: Transfer of the Head Dress Ceremony
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: T.R. Melville-Ness Photograph Collection
Number of images: 1