One Arrow Pow Wow July 12 2002. - Slide.
Database ID | 27512 | |
Institution | University of Saskatchewan Archives | |
Fonds/Collection | Hans Dommasch fonds | |
Series | MG172 | |
File/Item Reference | MG172-BX77-OneArrow-6 (Box 77) | |
Date of creation | 12 July 2002 | |
Physical description/extent | 1 slide; colour; 35 mm | |
Number of images | 1 | |
Historical note | One Arrow Cree First Nation signed Treaty 6 on September 6, 1878; while the One Arrow Reserve is located 53 km southwest of Prince Albert, the band has a total of 9,331.4 ha surrounding the South Saskatchewan River. This band settled on its reserve late in the autumn of 1880, in what was considered a fine location to begin agricultural development. As the chief was old, a headman by the name of Crowskin was in charge of the band in 1882, and contributed much to its development. | |
Scope and content | Image of several Aboriginal youth in ceremonial dress dancing at the Pow Wow. | |
Contributer | Hans S. Dommasch | |
Copyright holder | University of Saskatchewan | |
Copyright expiry date | Unknown | |
Type | Archival | |
Primary Media | Photographs | |
Provenance Access Point | Dommasch, Hans Siegfried, 1926- | |
Other notes | Slides found on page 6, One Arrow Pow Wow July 12 2002. | |
Treaty boundaries | Treaty 6 | |
Cultural region | Plains | |
Names | Dommasch, Hans S. | |
Subject | Culture -- Dance Culture -- Dress Culture -- Powwows Children | |
Date Range(s) | 2000- | |
Permanent Link | |