Chapter XXI -- "Rebellion"

Image of 14. Next
Database ID26120
InstitutionUniversity of Saskatchewan Archives
Fonds/CollectionS.D. Hanson fonds
SeriesReference material
File/Item ReferenceReference material-The Story of Saskatchewan and its People - vol. 1, chapter XXI (Reference )
Date of creation1924
Physical description/extent1 Chapter; 17 p.
Number of images14
Scope and contentChapter XII, "Rebellion". A summary of the events concerning the 1885 Resistance. Hawkes separates the sections into "The Fighting", "Fish Creek", "Batcoche", "Captain Howard and his Gatling Gun", "Cut Knife", "The Alberta Field Force: Frenchman's Butte", "The Ballad of the Near-Battle of Cussed Creek". The chapter includes images of the North West Mounted Police guard room, Regina Barracks, Tourand's Home, the stone house at Warman Ferry, an old house in Duck Lake, Old Mill at Duck Lake, Store at Duck Lake, the remains of the old convent at St. Laurent, "Riel's Councillors".
Restrictions on accessThere are no restrictions on access.
ContributerHawkes, John (author)
Copyright holderPublic domain
Copyright expiry datePublic domain
Other terms governing use and reproductionResponsibility regarding questions of copyright that may arise in the use of any images is assumed by the researcher.
Primary MediaTextual documents
Specific document typesBooks
Provenance Access PointHanson, Stanley Duane, 1942-2001 (Archivist)
Other notesThis material is found in the University Archives Reference Collection and not in the Hanson fonds.
PlaceBatoche, Saskatchewan, Canada
Fish Creek, Saskatchewan, Canada
Cut Knife, Saskatchewan, Canada
Battleford, Saskatchewan, Canada
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Treaty boundariesTreaty 6
Cultural regionPlains
NamesCrozier, Leif Newry Fitzroy, 1849-1901 (Superintendent)
Dumont, Gabriel, 1837-1906
Hawkes, Johnny
Howard, Arthur L.
Middleton, Frederick Dobson, 1825-1898
Riel, Louis, 1844-1885
SubjectNorthwest Resistance
Community Histories
Date Range(s)1920-1929
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