Conchelos, Greg, "Community Based Research"
Database ID | 25538 | |
Institution | University of Saskatchewan Archives | |
Fonds/Collection | F.L. Barron fonds | |
Series | 1. Resource Files | |
File/Item Reference | 1. Resource Files-2-22 (Box 1) | |
Date of creation | 1986 | |
Physical description/extent | 1 folder; 7 mm of textual records | |
Number of images | 50 | |
Scope and content | A copy of an oral history research project report that was designed to help Trent University develop a class in Oral history research methods. Appendix one is the proposed outline for such a class. The report outlines the issues encountered in their oral history research and suggests ways of solving problems. | |
Restrictions on access | There are no restrictions on access. | |
Other terms governing use and reproduction | Responsibility regarding questions of copyright that may arise in the use of any images is assumed by the researcher. | |
Type | Archival | |
Primary Media | Textual documents | |
Specific document types | Reports | |
Provenance Access Point | Barron, Frank Laurie, 1942-2000 | |
Treaty boundaries | Upper Canada Robinson-Huron | |
Cultural region | Northeast Subarctic | |
Names | Bobiwash, Rodney Conchelos, Greg Trent University | |
Subject | Culture -- Literature/ Storytelling Culture -- Folklore Projects Community Histories Education -- Traditional Opinion Native Studies | |
Date Range(s) | 1980-1989 | |
Permanent Link | |