1.   Title: Aboriginal Pipes on Display
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Saskatchewan Archives Board Photo Collection
Number of images: 1
2.   Title: Aboriginal Weapons and Pipe
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Saskatchewan Archives Board Photo Collection
Number of images: 1
3.   Title: Charles Camsell Indian Hospital
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Saskatchewan Archives Board Photo Collection
Number of images: 1
4.   Title: Governor-General Viscount Alexander becoming an Honorary Blood Chief
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: T.R. Melville-Ness Photograph Collection
5.   Title: Horns and Antlers
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Saskatchewan Archives Board Photo Collection
Number of images: 1
6.   Title: Indians in Lloydminster
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Saskatchewan Archives Board Photo Collection
Number of images: 1
7.   Title: Pion-Era Indian Committee
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Saskatchewan Archives Board General
8.   Title: "Riel Project Bulletin"
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: University of Alberta. Riel Project
Number of images: 16
9.   Title: Saddle Lake Telegraph Office with Indian Agency in Distance
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Saskatchewan Archives Board Photo Collection
Number of images: 1
10.   Title: The Writings of E. Lamarque
Institution: Saskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/Collection: Russell, Ralph C.