"Transfer of the head dress", Chief Shot-Both-Sides

Database ID25838
InstitutionSaskatchewan Archives Board
Fonds/CollectionT.R. Melville-Ness Photograph Collection
File/Item ReferenceMN-B-2629
Date of creation1951
Physical description/extent1 negative; b&w; 9 cm x 5.5 cm
Number of images1
Scope and content"Transfer of the head dress" where Governor General Viscount Alexander was made an honorary Chief of the Blood Indian Band of Stand-Off, Alberta. Chief Shot-Both-Sides stands second from right. Several members in full regalia and teepee in the background.
Restrictions on accessThere are no restrictions on access.
ContributerMelville-Ness, Thomas R.
Copyright holderpublic
Primary MediaPhotographs
Provenance Access PointT.R. Melville-Ness Photograph Collection
PlaceStand Off, Alberta, Canada
Treaty boundariesTreaty 7
Cultural regionPlains
NamesAlexander, Harold Rupert Leofric George, 1891-1969 (1st Earl Alexander of Tunis)
Shot Both Sides, 1873-1955 (Chief)
Government officials
Date Range(s)1950-1959
Permanent Link https://digital.scaa.sk.ca/ourlegacy/permalink/25838