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You searched for file/item reference: Stony Rapids Project. Population

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Chart of birth and death rates, 1948-1971., R.M.  Bone  fonds Chart of birth and death rates, 1948-1971.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Chart of birth, death, and natural increase rates, 1948-1972., R.M.  Bone  fonds Chart of birth, death, and natural increase rates, 1948-1972.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Series of 3 tables of birth, death, and natural increase rates, 1948-1972., R.M.  Bone  fonds Series of 3 tables of birth, death, and natural increase rates, 1948-1972.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Correspondence from Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding population figures for reserves in the North Battleford district., R.M.  Bone  fonds Correspondence from Dept. of Indian Affairs and Northern Development regarding population figures for reserves in the North Battleford district.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Linguistic and Cultural Affiliations of Canadian Indian Bands., R.M.  Bone  fonds Linguistic and Cultural Affiliations of Canadian Indian Bands.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Correspondence and chart of birth and death rates in the Roman Catholic population, 1948-1971, R.M.  Bone  fonds Correspondence and chart of birth and death rates in the Roman Catholic population, 1948-1971
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Correspondence from the Dept. of Natural Resources regarding northern Sask. population figures., R.M.  Bone  fonds Correspondence from the Dept. of Natural Resources regarding northern Sask. population figures.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Correspondence from the Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration, Indian Affairs Branch to the Dept. of Natural Resources regarding Treaty Indian populations by Band in June 1963., R.M.  Bone  fonds Correspondence from the Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration, Indian Affairs Branch to the Dept. of Natural Resources regarding Treaty Indian populations by Band in June 1963.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Correspondence from the Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration, Indian Affairs Branch to the Dept. of Natural Resources regarding northern Sask. Treaty Indian populations by Band., R.M.  Bone  fonds Correspondence from the Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration, Indian Affairs Branch to the Dept. of Natural Resources regarding northern Sask. Treaty Indian populations by Band.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Educational survey of remote northern areas., R.M.  Bone  fonds Educational survey of remote northern areas.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives