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Dog with porcupine needles, Sandy Point B.L. 7/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds Dog with porcupine needles, Sandy Point B.L. 7/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Simon Robillard's shed.  K. Lozinski & A. Seaborne.  Waterhose. 7/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds Simon Robillard's shed. K. Lozinski & A. Seaborne. Waterhose. 7/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Fred Riddle, Chick Terry, Rose Good & Gordy Rowan, Damant Lake. 8/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds Fred Riddle, Chick Terry, Rose Good & Gordy Rowan, Damant Lake. 8/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Jim Good, S.R. 8/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds Jim Good, S.R. 8/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Black Lake. 7/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds Black Lake. 7/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
School yard, B.L. 7/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds School yard, B.L. 7/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Remains of cabin, Sandy Point, B.L. region. 7/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds Remains of cabin, Sandy Point, B.L. region. 7/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Burnt area, Sandy Point, B.L. region. 7/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds Burnt area, Sandy Point, B.L. region. 7/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
B.L. from Sandy Point. 7/71, R.M.  Bone  fonds B.L. from Sandy Point. 7/71
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Sand - gravel quarry near S.R.  Between the landing strip and the Power Station.  Kenny Lozinski, student. June 1971., R.M.  Bone  fonds Sand - gravel quarry near S.R. Between the landing strip and the Power Station. Kenny Lozinski, student. June 1971.
R.M. Bone fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives