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You searched for subject: Environment - Ice formations

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Meltwater Stream, Institute for Northern Studies fonds View West, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Sea Ice, Institute for Northern Studies fonds H.M.S. Plover & Herald, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Karluk in Ice, Institute for Northern Studies fonds
The Karluk, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Snow-Banked Buildings, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Aerial View – Ellesmere Island, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Northern Transportation, Institute for Northern Studies fonds High Arctic Recreation Potential, Institute for Northern Studies fonds
Summer Biology Research Camp, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Ice Push, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Spring Ice, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Glacier, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Northern Transportation, Institute for Northern Studies fonds
Aerial View – Fir Island, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Aerial View – Bush, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Aerial View – Pine Channel, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Aerial View – Snow Storm, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Dunvegan Lake, Institute for Northern Studies fonds