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Bank of the Athabasca  from the front of Canadusa's Barges., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Bank of the Athabasca from the front of Canadusa's Barges.
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Tar sands on the Athabaska  River., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Tar sands on the Athabaska River.
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Mackenzie Island., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Mackenzie Island.
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Nahanni Mountains, NWT., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Nahanni Mountains, NWT.
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Fort Norman and Bear Rock, NWT., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Fort Norman and Bear Rock, NWT.
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Mt. Head, Alberta, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Mt. Head, Alberta
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Rainbow Arched, Corajou River, District of Mackenzie, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Rainbow Arched, Corajou River, District of Mackenzie
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Mackenzie Mountains, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Mackenzie Mountains
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Barkerville, British Columbia, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Barkerville, British Columbia
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Babine Range, British Columbia, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Babine Range, British Columbia
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives