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The Omineca Herald, Institute for Northern Studies fonds "VHF Transmitter Site", Institute for Northern Studies fonds Reproduction of <i>December NewsletterGreen Lake Local Community AuthorityThe Green Lake Plan</i>., R.M.  Bone  fonds Hudson's Bay Company at Green Lake Since 1799. - Newspaper article., R.M.  Bone  fonds Board gets control of school.  - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds
Northern town lacks modern conveniences. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds Homes in new community not ready for teachers. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds Homes in new community not ready for teachers. - Newspaper photo with clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds Criticism, optimism surround north's 'capital'. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds A mini-history of La Ronge. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds
La Ronge economic problem affects Indian, Metis. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds La Ronge defies small-town Saskatchewan image. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds Medical graduates to replace vacating La Ronge GPs. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds Saskair applications to be submitted soon - Newspaper clipping, R.M.  Bone  fonds School, sewer projects to begin in Dore Lake. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds
Pinehouse: Candidate for change - Newspaper clipping, R.M.  Bone  fonds Fifth Estate 'attack' sours residents - Newspaper clipping, R.M.  Bone  fonds Nylander And Staff Tour Riding - Newspaper clipping, R.M.  Bone  fonds Things May Be Getting Better For Pinehouse Says Nylander - Newspaper clipping, R.M.  Bone  fonds $5 million program to begin in North. - Newspaper clipping., R.M.  Bone  fonds