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Northern Extension - Franklin Mountains, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Northern Extension - Franklin Mountains
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Pine Point, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Pine Point, Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Tarn and 'U' Shaped Valley, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Tarn and 'U' Shaped Valley
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Cape Barrow, Coronation Gulf, Northwest Territories, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Cape Barrow, Coronation Gulf, Northwest Territories
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Banks Island, Northwest Territories
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Bernard Harbour, Northwest Territories
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Hershel Island, Yukon Territory, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Hershel Island, Yukon Territory
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
S.S. North Star, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds S.S. North Star
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Cirques, 'U' Shaped and Hanging Valleys, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Cirques, 'U' Shaped and Hanging Valleys
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives