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You searched for subject: Fauna - Dogs

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Ryan's Dog Team Leaving Fort McMurray, Alberta, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Ryan's Dog Team Leaving Fort McMurray, Alberta
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
RCMP dog corral, Fort  Smith, NWT., Institute for Northern Studies fonds RCMP dog corral, Fort Smith, NWT.
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Copper Eskimo Woman Mending Clothes, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Copper Eskimo Woman Mending Clothes
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Rae River, Northwest Territories, Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds Rae River, Northwest Territories
Frederic Harrison Edmunds fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
H.B.C. Men, Institute for Northern Studies fonds H.B.C. Men
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Dogrib Snowshoes and Whip, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Dogrib Snowshoes and Whip
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Hare Dog team with Toboggan on Trail, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Hare Dog team with Toboggan on Trail
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Dog Sled Team, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Dog Sled Team
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Sled Dog, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Sled Dog
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Sled Dog, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Sled Dog
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives