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An Act for giving a publick Reward unto such Person or Persons, being His Majesty's Subject or Subjects, as shall discover a Northern Passage for Vessels by Sea, between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; and also unto such as shall first approach by Sea within One Degree of the Northern Pole, Shortt Library of Canadiana An Act for giving a publick Reward unto such Person or Persons, being His Majesty's Subject or Subjects, as shall discover a Northern Passage for Vessels by Sea, between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; and also unto such as shall first approach by Sea within One Degree of the Northern Pole
Shortt Library of Canadiana
University of Saskatchewan Library Special Collections
Robert Smith 1776 Inscription on Rock., Department of Physics fonds Robert Smith 1776 Inscription on Rock.
Department of Physics fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Ship's Names of 1741 Inscribed on Rock., Department of Physics fonds Ship's Names of 1741 Inscribed on Rock.
Department of Physics fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Samuel Hearne's 1767 Inscription on Rock, Churchill., Department of Physics fonds Samuel Hearne's 1767 Inscription on Rock, Churchill.
Department of Physics fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Canon, 'Ft. Prince of Wales.', Department of Physics fonds Canon, 'Ft. Prince of Wales.'
Department of Physics fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Sloop's Cove., Department of Physics fonds Sloop's Cove.
Department of Physics fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
H.M.S. Plover & Herald, Institute for Northern Studies fonds H.M.S. Plover & Herald
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Petropavlovsk & Kamchatka, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Petropavlovsk & Kamchatka
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Corwin Leaves for Alaska, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Corwin Leaves for Alaska
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
"RUSSIAN FLAG ON WRANGEL", Institute for Northern Studies fonds "RUSSIAN FLAG ON WRANGEL"
Institute for Northern Studies fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives