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Meeting The Train at Waterways, Alberta, Institute for Northern Studies fonds S.S. Athabasca at the Tar Island [Alberta] Shipyard, Institute for Northern Studies fonds River Front at Waterways, Alberta, Institute for Northern Studies fonds River Front at Waterways, Alberta, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Canadusa and Her Barges Ready To Leave Waterways, Alberta, Institute for Northern Studies fonds
Buffalo Barge and the Northland Echo (ship) at LaPrarie, [Alberta], Institute for Northern Studies fonds The Northland Echo (ship) at Dock at LaPrarie, [Alberta], Institute for Northern Studies fonds The Northland Echo (ship) at LaPrarie, [Alberta] on the Clearwater [River], Institute for Northern Studies fonds Ice on the Athabasca River After a Flood, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Ryan's Dog Team Leaving Fort McMurray, Alberta, Institute for Northern Studies fonds
S.S. "Athabasca River" Passing Fort McMurray, Alberta, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Pat Ryan, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Franklin Avenue, Fort McMurray, Alberta, Institute for Northern Studies fonds Ryan's flat sleighs on the Athabasca  River., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Bank of the Athabasca  from the front of Canadusa's Barges., Institute for Northern Studies fonds
Tar sands on the Athabaska  River., Institute for Northern Studies fonds On the Athabasca  River - The Canadusa., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Athabasca  River  at sunset., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Colin Fraser's trading post at Fort Chipewyan., Institute for Northern Studies fonds Settlers at Fort Chipewyan., Institute for Northern Studies fonds