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You searched for repository: University of Saskatchewan Archives; fonds/collection: Kupsch, Walter Oscar, 1919- ; (Professor of Geology)

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Shales of Blaa Mountain formation comprising lowest shale unit, W.O. Kupsch fonds Close-up of Blaa Mountain formation, W.O. Kupsch fonds Cook tent, base camp, Eureka, Ellesmere Island., W.O. Kupsch fonds Gabbroic sill in sandstone-shale beds of Blaa Mountain formation, upper part., W.O. Kupsch fonds Close-up of lower contact of gabbro sill, W.O. Kupsch fonds
Musk ox near Eureka base camp., W.O. Kupsch fonds East slope of Blacktop Ridge, main Creek where section 62-K-27 was measured., W.O. Kupsch fonds Helicopter taking off from station 62-K-27B., W.O. Kupsch fonds Sandstone ledge of Heiberg formation of station 62-K-27B, W.O. Kupsch fonds Ripple marks on bedding plane of Heiberg sandstone at station 62-K-27B., W.O. Kupsch fonds
Well-developed ripple marks on bedding plane of Heiberg sandstone, W.O. Kupsch fonds Close-up of ripple marks on bedding plane of Heiberg sandstone, W.O. Kupsch fonds Looking east from head of gully where station 62-K-27C is located, W.O. Kupsch fonds Shale at left, locally contorted as result of downslope movement along valley wall, W.O. Kupsch fonds Looking southwest along valley in which camp 62-K-28 is located., W.O. Kupsch fonds
Looking northwest along valley in which camp 62-K-28 is located., W.O. Kupsch fonds Looking north from station 62-K-31 toward light coloured Cenozoic beds, W.O. Kupsch fonds Looking east from station 62-K-31 toward low area, W.O. Kupsch fonds Looking south from station 62-K-31 toward ice field overlying Blaa Mountain beds., W.O. Kupsch fonds Sampling of Blind Fiord shales by K. Qureshi at station 62-K-31., W.O. Kupsch fonds