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You searched for repository: University of Saskatchewan Archives; fonds/collection: Kupsch, Walter Oscar, 1919- ; (Professor of Geology)

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Towson Point anticline fly camp, general view, W.O. Kupsch fonds Erratics of granite and quartzite on patterned ground of Devonian Blue Fiord limestone., W.O. Kupsch fonds Towson Point anticline showing northward dipping beds at eastern end., W.O. Kupsch fonds Meltwater under pressure coming out of hole in the ice at eastern end of Towson Point anticline., W.O. Kupsch fonds Towson Point anticline, general view, looking east along axis near eastern end., W.O. Kupsch fonds
Towson Point anticline, general view, looking west at western end across Weatherall bay in distance., W.O. Kupsch fonds Fault indication on surface; numerous calcite fragments, iron oxide staining., W.O. Kupsch fonds Towson Point anticline, W.O. Kupsch fonds Purple saxifrage., W.O. Kupsch fonds Stone stripes, well developed., W.O. Kupsch fonds
Blue Fiord, Devonian limestone in canyon at western end of Towson Point anticline, looking east., W.O. Kupsch fonds Devonian Blue Fiord limestone at western end of Towson Point anticline., W.O. Kupsch fonds Towson Point anticline, fly camps, general view., W.O. Kupsch fonds Frost shattered stone broken into three pieces, W.O. Kupsch fonds Tendency of frost shattered stones to stand on end in pattered ground., W.O. Kupsch fonds
Devonian Blue Fiord formation; pattered ground developed on limestone., W.O. Kupsch fonds Fault scarp along south side of eastern end of Towson Point anticline., W.O. Kupsch fonds Large gypsum vein in fault zone at south side of eastern end of Towson Point anticline., W.O. Kupsch fonds Flowering saxifrages near Tingmisut Lake., W.O. Kupsch fonds