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You searched for repository: University of Saskatchewan Archives; fonds/collection: Kupsch, Walter Oscar, 1919- ; (Professor of Geology)

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Washboard moraines east of Horton Lake, W.O. Kupsch fonds Assemblage of large kames east of Horton Lake, W.O. Kupsch fonds Close up aerial view of large kames east of Horton Lake, W.O. Kupsch fonds Terrain near outcrop of Cretaceous Sans Sault group sandstone, W.O. Kupsch fonds Swamp vegetation showing tamarack, white spruce et c., W.O. Kupsch fonds
Vegetation at Horton Lake camp showing stunted growth, W.O. Kupsch fonds Flowering avens (Dryas integrifolia) at Horton Lake camp, W.O. Kupsch fonds Arctic cotton grass in swamp along shore of Arctic Ocean, W.O. Kupsch fonds Mammoth tusk at Fort Good Hope, W.O. Kupsch fonds Mammoth tusk strapped to float of Beaver airplane, W.O. Kupsch fonds
Muskeg vegetation in Autumn, W.O. Kupsch fonds General view of marl deposition along shore, W.O. Kupsch fonds Close up of marl deposition, W.O. Kupsch fonds Masses of blue-green algae depositing marl, W.O. Kupsch fonds Cretaceous Sans sandstone showing open vegetation, W.O. Kupsch fonds
Fall colours of white birch, alder and spruce, W.O. Kupsch fonds Arctic field notes. - Report., W.O. Kupsch fonds Arctic field camp. - Photograph., W.O. Kupsch fonds Boundary of the Canadian Shield by W.O. Kupsch. - Report., W.O. Kupsch fonds NWT fieldwork notes., W.O. Kupsch fonds