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You searched for repository: University of Saskatchewan Archives; fonds/collection: Kupsch, Walter Oscar, 1919- ; (Professor of Geology)

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Burning oil shales, Smoking Hills, west of Franklin Bay, W.O. Kupsch fonds Burning oil shales, Smoking Hills, west of Franklin Bay
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Closer view of burning oil shales - Smoking Hills, W.O. Kupsch fonds Closer view of burning oil shales - Smoking Hills
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
The Ramparts of the MacKenzie River south of Fort Good Hope, W.O. Kupsch fonds The Ramparts of the MacKenzie River south of Fort Good Hope
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Outcrops of exposed Lower Rampart limestone -Sholberg Creek, W.O. Kupsch fonds Outcrops of exposed Lower Rampart limestone -Sholberg Creek
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Outcrop of fossiliiferous Lower Ramparts limestone - Sholberg Creek, W.O. Kupsch fonds Outcrop of fossiliiferous Lower Ramparts limestone - Sholberg Creek
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Middle Devonian, Upper Ramparts, stromatoporoidal reef - Mackenzie River, W.O. Kupsch fonds Middle Devonian, Upper Ramparts, stromatoporoidal reef - Mackenzie River
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Close up of stromatotoporoidal colonies on reef in slide 53, W.O. Kupsch fonds Close up of stromatotoporoidal colonies on reef in slide 53
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Stromatotoporoidal masses in Middle Devonian Upper Ramparts, W.O. Kupsch fonds Stromatotoporoidal masses in Middle Devonian Upper Ramparts
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Close up of colonial corals - Devonian Lower Ramparts, W.O. Kupsch fonds Close up of colonial corals - Devonian Lower Ramparts
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives
Outcrop of Lower Ramparts fossiliferous limestone - Sholberg Creek, W.O. Kupsch fonds Outcrop of Lower Ramparts fossiliferous limestone - Sholberg Creek
W.O. Kupsch fonds
University of Saskatchewan Archives