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Magnetic hut; Davies standing in front., Department of Physics fonds Churchill Elevator (1932)., Department of Physics fonds Fort Prince of Wales (1932)., Department of Physics fonds Inuit family, Summer., Department of Physics fonds Unidentified Inuit women, Summer., Department of Physics fonds
Inuit girls in mission dresses., Department of Physics fonds Currie with two Inuit children., Department of Physics fonds Unidentified Inuk hunter., Department of Physics fonds Cache of seal meat., Department of Physics fonds Husky Dog., Department of Physics fonds
Komatik., Department of Physics fonds Ball game played by women & children., Department of Physics fonds Inuit burial or shelter., Department of Physics fonds Perallactic Photographs (Aurora 1933)., Department of Physics fonds Fritz Isolines of Auroral Occurrence., Department of Physics fonds
Davies: Wash Day., Department of Physics fonds McVeigh with Sik Sik., Department of Physics fonds Five Inuit children., Department of Physics fonds Two Inuit children., Department of Physics fonds Sloop's Cove., Department of Physics fonds