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Chart: Temperature Comparisons., Department of Physics fonds Two Inuit children., Department of Physics fonds Three Inuit children., Department of Physics fonds Two Inuit children., Department of Physics fonds Grandmother with three Inuit children., Department of Physics fonds
Four Inuit children., Department of Physics fonds Five children., Department of Physics fonds Tent nearly buried in snow., Department of Physics fonds 'Homogeneous' pup., Department of Physics fonds 'Homogeneous' adult dog., Department of Physics fonds
Inuk hunter with two arctic swans., Department of Physics fonds Walrus heads on rocks, Chesterfield Inlet., Department of Physics fonds Walrus meat on rocks, Chesterfield Inlet., Department of Physics fonds 'Chain Gang:' McVeigh, Rose, Brown, Rea., Department of Physics fonds Whale Bones, Chesterfield Inlet., Department of Physics fonds
Marble Island, Summer 1933., Department of Physics fonds Graves, Dead Man Island., Department of Physics fonds Graves, Dead Man Island., Department of Physics fonds Magnetic Station, Dead Man Island., Department of Physics fonds Rae standing on moraine, Marble Island., Department of Physics fonds