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Auroral images, Chesterfield., Department of Physics fonds Graph of height frequencies, aurora, Chesterfield., Department of Physics fonds Graphs., Department of Physics fonds Graphs., Department of Physics fonds Electrometers - Chesterfield observation., Department of Physics fonds
Quarters, Magnetic hut, shed., Department of Physics fonds Boats., Department of Physics fonds [Rae] with fish., Department of Physics fonds Men with fishing net., Department of Physics fonds Cribbage board., Department of Physics fonds
Expedition members - In field., Department of Physics fonds Expedition members - In field., Department of Physics fonds Expedition members - In field., Department of Physics fonds Expedition members - In field., Department of Physics fonds Frank Davies., Department of Physics fonds
Balfour W. Currie., Department of Physics fonds Miscellaneous landscape., Department of Physics fonds