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Bone Snow Knives and Tin Oil Lamps: Enduring Traditions Among Canada’s First Peoples

Institution(s): Royal Ontario Museum
Museum of Civilization
Canadian Heritage Information Network
Year created:1996
Coverage dates:18th-20th centuries
Description:Objects from the First Nations of what is now Canada are highlighted in the following exhibit. The collections presented here bring together around one hundred and eighty objects representing many of Canada's First Peoples. More than sixty objects come from the Royal Ontario Museum collection and some one hundred pieces are part of the collection of the Museum of Civilization. While the various groups are not evenly represented, this exhibit nevertheless provides an overview of First Peoples cultures in Canada. In the same way that First Nations today present a united front and support each other's actions and beliefs, these artifacts testify to a continuity of tradition across every time period and along diverse paths. From the pre-European period to the present day aboriginal peoples have developed techniques adapted to their needs and resources. They have used materials drawn from their immediate environment and have depicted effigies, animal motifs, symbols of legend, and geometric patterns that represent their cultural values and beliefs. These figures adorn everyday objects, art pieces, as well as those used in ceremonies.
Language(s) of exhibit:English, French
Copyright information:Information may be reproduced without permission subject to the fair dealing provision and the exceptions set out in the Canada Copyright Act, R.S., c. C- 30, s.1. The source or the work must be fully acknowledged. Information may not be re-distributed or stored for the purpose of serving through any other information retrieval system, except approved mirror sites, without the written permission of the museums. Links can be made freely. No guarantee or warranty, expressed or implied, is made about the value or stability of the information or links made herein. However, reproduction of this work, in whole or in part, for purposes of commercial use, resale or edistribution requires written permission from the rights holder.
Subjects: Culture & Lifestyle