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You searched for repository: University of Saskatchewan Archives; fonds/collection: Kupsch, Walter Oscar, 1919- ; (Professor of Geology)

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Eureka base camp., W.O. Kupsch fonds Base camp at Eureka, Ellesmere Island from helicopter., W.O. Kupsch fonds East side of Blacktop Ridge, looking north from helicopter., W.O. Kupsch fonds Looking southwesterly toward Eureka and across Slidre Fiord from near station 62-K-21., W.O. Kupsch fonds Abundant rounded quartzite boulders among blocks of gabbro, W.O. Kupsch fonds
Westward view across Eureka syncline., W.O. Kupsch fonds Looking east along gully in which Blaa Mountain shales with gabbroic sills, W.O. Kupsch fonds Looking east along gully in which Blaa Mountain shales with gabbroic sills are exposed, W.O. Kupsch fonds Recessive shale and resistant sandstones, dipping 38 degrees eastward, W.O. Kupsch fonds Close up of shale-sandstone contact, W.O. Kupsch fonds
Shales of Blaa Mountain formation comprising lowest shale unit, W.O. Kupsch fonds Close-up of Blaa Mountain formation, W.O. Kupsch fonds Cook tent, base camp, Eureka, Ellesmere Island., W.O. Kupsch fonds Gabbroic sill in sandstone-shale beds of Blaa Mountain formation, upper part., W.O. Kupsch fonds Close-up of lower contact of gabbro sill, W.O. Kupsch fonds
Musk ox near Eureka base camp., W.O. Kupsch fonds East slope of Blacktop Ridge, main Creek where section 62-K-27 was measured., W.O. Kupsch fonds Helicopter taking off from station 62-K-27B., W.O. Kupsch fonds Sandstone ledge of Heiberg formation of station 62-K-27B, W.O. Kupsch fonds Ripple marks on bedding plane of Heiberg sandstone at station 62-K-27B., W.O. Kupsch fonds